Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Confessions of a Heart on Fire

I am so happy right now. I havent been this happy in a long time. I dont know that I would even use the word happy cause happiness can be temporary. Basically Friday night after a conversation that Jeanna and I had God poked on my heart. This week for the first time in a long time I can say that I am totally walking with God. He has set my heart on fire for Him. It is amazing how God can change our hearts. For so long I was holding on to bitterness, anger, disapointment, and all that yucky stuff. I knew I had to let it go and give it to God.....I just think it is so awesome that it transpired from a phone conversation. Its such a simple daily routine that we all have. I used to think that God works on you through great messages at great serivces or some big retreat. I never thought in a million years that God would reach me in this way. But it makes sense. I mean I think of the verse (im not sure which one it is or if im saying it correctly) "Where one or more are gathered in my name there I Am" Ne ways Im just so excited for God has in store for me. And "the fire is spreading" me and my sister(Liz)have been having great conversations about God and Life. I think Liz is thinking about going to Lifeline which is a giant leap for her. God is GOOD you guys !
P.S. Thanks Jeanna for thinking of me...I am praying for us!!!

Monday, March 06, 2006


OK so Seriously its snows 3 days after I get home what the heck!! BUT Florida was awesome (for those of u who didnt hear I got to visit my grandparents down in FL for a week!) I spent alot of time relaxing and laying out by the pool. Here is a run down of some of my favorite things/moments of the week!

1. Chatting with grandma
3. Magic Kingdom and getting stuck on splash mountain!
4. KOBE japanese steakhouse ....and the drunk lady who sat with us was pretty funny too!
5. Florida Mall....I love that place! (but i love any mall right?!)
6.Random..Unexpected phone calls
7.Dancing to the Johnny cash soundtrack
8.Entertainment/ Sundaes at the pool
9.PapPap getting me and him in trouble with security
10.Bahama Breeze
I will have pics coming soon!