Monday, March 06, 2006


OK so Seriously its snows 3 days after I get home what the heck!! BUT Florida was awesome (for those of u who didnt hear I got to visit my grandparents down in FL for a week!) I spent alot of time relaxing and laying out by the pool. Here is a run down of some of my favorite things/moments of the week!

1. Chatting with grandma
3. Magic Kingdom and getting stuck on splash mountain!
4. KOBE japanese steakhouse ....and the drunk lady who sat with us was pretty funny too!
5. Florida Mall....I love that place! (but i love any mall right?!)
6.Random..Unexpected phone calls
7.Dancing to the Johnny cash soundtrack
8.Entertainment/ Sundaes at the pool
9.PapPap getting me and him in trouble with security
10.Bahama Breeze
I will have pics coming soon!


Jeanna said...

Its sunny yay!!!

I'm so glad you are home - you were missed! We need to chat soon! I miss Lindsey/Jeanna time!

Sarah B said...

i am so happy u are back, i am also very happy u had a break finally! it was good seeing u saturday night hope everything is still going well miss u girlie!

Jonathan Anderstrom said...

Sounds like you had a great time~!