Saturday, October 22, 2005

My very first post!

Helllooo all! Yay its my very first post on eblogger. I'm really stoked! This whole blogging thing is a lot of fun to me. I can kinda of give people a little bit of glimpse into what goes on inside this head of mine (as scary as that may be). Ok so Why is my blog called day in the life of a fashionista...Because I am a true Fashionista. I love fashion. Clothes are like wearable art! Its so fun. Other people express themselves through music, painting, drama, etc. Whereas I express myself through what I wear. I also like to write to get my thoughts and feelings out.

"Welcome to the world of four-inch heels, four-ply cashmere, and four-dollar vintage dresses. Fashionistas will do anything to score the latest, the most obscure, the most absurd, the right-off-the runway, the trendiest, the most expensive, the least expensive, the showstopper, the uniform, the marabou, the canvas, the nylon, the silk. the leather, the suede, the velvet, the tweed, the transparent, the ostrich feathers. ....Some of you may scoff-huh, fashion is just so superficial. WE have to say, it is. But also isnt. fashion is a part of life, something that we need to protect our bodies from the cold and radical agents that pollute the air. It is also a form of art, slef expression, and a representaiton of more emotional roots. Fashion evokes a mental response from its appreciators. It can make us weep and make us feel empowered all at once. It inspires thought, ideas, and creativtity, and whether you shop at Walmart or Chanel, chances are we've all dealt with the same issues, moments, joys, and furstrations over fashion. Fashion. It does a life some good!" by Karen Robinovitz "Fashionista Files"