Saturday, December 03, 2005

Count your Blessings

Wow what a roller coaster ride these last few months have been.....I have had so many changes going on. During all these changes and trials I really started to get bitter, sad, angry.....etc. A few days ago I recieved a forward(usually I hate forwards and refuse to read them but this time I did and Im really glad) and at the beginning a good friend of mine talked about becoming judgemental and negative. After reading it I took a step back and took a look in the mirror. I realized that I had somehow taken some steps in the wrong direction. I was judging people and being negative because of all these thing that were happening around me. I was unhappy and I was going to take everyone else down with me. NE ways so after taking this "look in the mirror" I decided that I needed to point my feet in the right direction and take a different path (the I was on was obiviously not productive). So they have this cute little blessings jar at Inspire Me (my old place of employment) and I bought it. I decided that I would put in a blessing everyday to help me on my road to being more focused and positive. Ne ways the first night was rough. I refuse to do something if I dont believe it in my heart. I sat there that first night and was so bitter I didnt want to write ne thing down as a blessing because I really was starting to think that God screwed me over. (Now if u know me at all u know that I am a drama queen and will make somethings out to be a life and death matter..If Jeanna is reading this she is laughing and totally agreeing because I have told her many times that I think I am severely damaged from my upbring lol). Ne ways God finally just broke my heart because I really did want to write something I was just being stubborn. So the past few days I have wrote down blessings! It has been fabulous! People if you havent tried this I highly recommend you do. It helps to write it down and visually see it. I have been doing so much better. It helps me to be postive and focus on God. He has really been changing my heart. On another note I started back to the Buckle. I was seriously sick to my stomach about going back. I worked there for four years before I took a little 5 mo. break. I was worried I might have lost my skills. Friday was my first day back it went really well the team was asking me questions about presentations and product. I had some fabulous presentations myself. I think God is def doing some work in my professional life right now. Im excited to be back in my leadership postion and teaching people about fashion and sales...I have a good feeling about everything. I guess what I have learned from all this is that God is FAITHFUL. He doesnt give you anything you cant handle and He is a good God.


Jeanna said...

I am so proud of you!

Jeanna said...

I am so proud of you!