Monday, January 09, 2006

Back to school

Ohhh boy....Im back at school! woot woot ! Im half excited and half dreading it. I have only had one class tho so....but I made it through which is a good thing. Im really pumped up cause I go to class and Tracy Decker is in my class and two guys that I suffered through commercial law with! So we have decided that we will form a study group. It always nice to know that u have support...especially since I dont think my teacher speaks veru good english. (This is a pet peeve of mine...while I think it is cool to meet people from other places..I think it is very difficult to learn a hard subject like finance management in broken english) Ne ways So Im off to marketing management now (i have a feeling this might be my fav class). After that I head to work...then go back to Iusb for one more class....Then I go to barnes and noble for tutoring ! This should be a interesting day. I hope everyone out there is having a good one!


Jeanna said...

Yea - that is so exciting that you have a class with Tracy Decker!!