The passages where Eve is enticed by the unknown and the serpent have become all too real for me lately.
In Genesis Chapter 2:16-17 God commanded the Man, "You can eat from any tree in the garden, except from the Tree-of-Knowledge-of-Good-and-Evil. Don't eat from it. The moment you eat from that tree, you're dead." The Woman said to the serpent, "Not at all. We can eat from the trees in the garden. It's only about the tree in the middle of the garden that God said, 'Don't eat from it; don't even touch it or you'll die.'"
And then in Chapter three the serpent came along and tempted Eve
4-5 The serpent told the Woman, "You won't die. God knows that the moment you eat from that tree, you'll see what's really going on. You'll be just like God, knowing everything, ranging all the way from good to evil."
6 When the Woman saw that the tree looked like good eating and realized what she would get out of it—she'd know everything!—she took and ate the fruit and then gave some to her husband, and he ate.
Now I have read these verses before. I have heard them over and over again. But last night these verses had a whole new life for me. You see God set up boundaries for Eve, for you, for me. He set up those boundries to help protect us and protect our hearts. But like Eve I think there is something inside every woman (or man for that matter) that is so inticed by what they cant have. We want to constantly test the boundries God has. Even though in the long run it can really hurt us. Eve was sooo intrigued by that tree that she disreguarded God's commandment to her without even considering the long term affects of her actions. I know that mankind is prone to sin, but Eve's story has just become soo real for me. God has set up boundaries for my life and I know where the line is drawn. I will dance around this line because what I cant have, has always been so tempting for me. I always want what I cannot have. Its hard to believe that I would want something that I know is not good for me. BUT I did....I still do. This time I danced a little too close. I put my heart into something that I know isnt right for me and now my heart hurts because of it. I was warned by friends and by God. I chose to ignore both. I cant really expand on this too much but right now Im just feeling a little lost, a little let down, confused, and the list goes on. Even though I am feeling these things and I know for sure God doesnt want this for me....and I still want what I cant have. It makes no sense. But at the same time it does especially after reading Eve's story. I know God is going to work through this situation in my life. I think this could be a lesson in letting go. Letting go can be a really hard thing to do because its something you have to totally give up to God and just have faith that everything will be ok. I need to trust that God has a bigger and better plan for my life.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Alot like Eve
Posted by QueenB at 10:39 AM 3 comments
Friday, November 03, 2006
Three things
Three things that scare me
1. Sometimes I scare me lol
2. thats a biggie
3.Bringing Dishonor to Christ
Three people who make me laugh
1. Ryan-(B-ronk)
2. Laura...haha gots to love the randomness
3. My family-we are pretty much out of control
Three things that I love
1. GOD
2. Family and Friends
3. India
Three things that I hate
1. Critical/ Negative People..ok ok i dont hate them but it is agrivating
2.Getting out of bed when it is cold
3.Being too busy
Three things I dont understand
1. Boys ...I dont even try anymore lol
2.Why people know God and Turn their back on Him
Three things I love in a Girl/Boy
1. Personality/ Sense of Humor
2. Smile
3.Sense of Style
Three ways to best describe my personality
1. Random
2. Easy going
3. Spaztic
Three things I cant do
1. Snowboard ...Im going to learn this season ...YAY!
2.Play music...I only wish I would be such a rockstar I have no marketable skills
Three favorite movies
1.Wedding Crashers
2.Pirates of the Carribean
3.Pretty Woman or Beaches its a tie
Three goals for your future
1.Go to India again...maybe even live there..Who knows what God has instore
2.Be a sales rep for a high end clothing line
3. Adopt a baby from China and India
Three of your dumbest moments
1.Well I have one at least once every natually a blonde what can I say
2.more like an obnxious moment....THE BIG BLOWUP...never live that down
3.Drunk Dialing....glad those days are over
Three people im tagging:
2.Sarah B
Posted by QueenB at 7:13 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 02, 2006
Indian Baptism
Judah is one of the women church planters we stayed with shes the right next her dad (he's a pastor). She was amazing. Shes 21 just like me!
This is just one of three women Judah led to Christ that got baptized that day!
Posted by QueenB at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Raj Speaking at the Bible League meeting (he is in charge of the Bible League for Southern India)
Prema, Clarina, and Aroma Getting Jeanna some Pomegrante
The Bible League Boys Playing Cricket
Watching Cricket
Posted by QueenB at 7:42 PM 0 comments
Pondicherry with Bible League
A beautiful view as we walked to the conference center
Prema, Clarinda, and Aroma (Love these Women!!)
Me, Jennifer, Julie, Kim, Lanette, Shelley
Posted by QueenB at 7:37 PM 0 comments
So I pretty sure I have been home from India for over a month. No Pics no Nothing. Sorry! Life has been insane. I have been working tons and a couple days after I came home I went back to school. BUT the trip was way too amazing not to share. India ...where do I even start.....
THE AIRPORT! What an adventure that was....Our flight from Chicago to Paris left at 5pm. Jack(He heads up missions at GCC) had us at the church ready to go at 8. We were all like why in the world that early. Well heres why! Some how it got mixed up and we were assigned paper tickets instead of electronic. Which means either we put 15,o00 dollars on someone credit card and buy new ones OR Jack has to hunt down the old tickets and bring them to Chicago. Low and behold Jack finds the tickets and is on his way to Chicago. Well while we are all waiting the lady gets our bags checked to save us time. She was the sweetest ever! But time was running out she told we had to have the tickets in 5 min. or we wouldnt make our flight. SO the picture in the middle is our fearless leader Shelley standing outside waiting for our tickets to arrive and not a minute after the woman gave us our 5 min warning Jack throws the tickets at us and We are on our way! God has everything under control and he is with us from the start!
Posted by QueenB at 2:35 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 20, 2006
I love India
Hello friends. So I am blogging from India right now. Pretty cool many people can say that! I am learning so much over here . God is moving in amazing ways in this country. The people are so loving and so hospitable. The Christians are so committed to spreading Gods word and are very charismatic. The women are amazing I have so many cool stories to share!
Stories and Pics to come later!
Unga to Inge!!
Posted by QueenB at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 24, 2006
God's Provisions
"He has provisions that you know not of more than you can ask or imagine"
Mark said this on Thursday night and it was so real for me. Especially after the service that Rob delivered. Let me rewind back a little. Ok so a few months ago I was feeling very lost and far from God. It was like one day he was there and then when I looked back up he wasnt. Sometimes we drift and we dont even realize it until we are way far away. I was trying to find God again when he "showed up at my door" through a phone call. Jeanna called me and told me about a missions trip to India. And to my SUPRISE I havent stopped thinking about India and on August 13th I will be boarding a plane with nine other women to go minister to the women church planters! So I am very excited about this trip and I am totally on fire for God. I start praying all the time and persuing Him. For some reason something in the back of my mind was still not quite right. Despite all these cool things that were happening I for some reason felt like there was still a strange distance between me and God. Well this Thursday my manager gave me the day off so I could get some stuff done. I was so excited because I havent been to a Thursday serivce in forever! Some of you were there on Thursday and heard what Rob spoke about but for those who didnt Ill recap. He talked about the "Get outta Church Free Card" he said there was sometimes we all want to get out of church for one reason or another. The only place the Bible allows us to get out of church is in Matthew. "Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, 24leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift. Rob talked about how that grudge that we hold will keep us from having an authentic conversation with God. He talked about how a damaged relationship can be like a ruptured appendix better to the hospital fast. I realized during that service exactly why I felt that distance and I knew what God wanted me to do. I went home that night and wrote an email that was long overdue. I never felt such a weight lifted off of me before. This grudge had been harding my heart and keeping me from what God had instore for me. I think the coolest thing about the whole situation that looking back I can see God's hand in this all along the way. Sometimes we think that God has distanced himself from us and just left us high and dry. This situation just taught me a vaulable lesson about God's activity in my life. We never know what God has instore for us. We just need to have the courage to press in and faith in Him. Because again like Beeson said "He has provisions that you know not of more than you could ask or imagine" I cant wait to see what else God has instore!
Posted by QueenB at 1:40 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Confessions of a Heart on Fire
I am so happy right now. I havent been this happy in a long time. I dont know that I would even use the word happy cause happiness can be temporary. Basically Friday night after a conversation that Jeanna and I had God poked on my heart. This week for the first time in a long time I can say that I am totally walking with God. He has set my heart on fire for Him. It is amazing how God can change our hearts. For so long I was holding on to bitterness, anger, disapointment, and all that yucky stuff. I knew I had to let it go and give it to God.....I just think it is so awesome that it transpired from a phone conversation. Its such a simple daily routine that we all have. I used to think that God works on you through great messages at great serivces or some big retreat. I never thought in a million years that God would reach me in this way. But it makes sense. I mean I think of the verse (im not sure which one it is or if im saying it correctly) "Where one or more are gathered in my name there I Am" Ne ways Im just so excited for God has in store for me. And "the fire is spreading" me and my sister(Liz)have been having great conversations about God and Life. I think Liz is thinking about going to Lifeline which is a giant leap for her. God is GOOD you guys !
P.S. Thanks Jeanna for thinking of me...I am praying for us!!!
Posted by QueenB at 9:08 AM 3 comments
Monday, March 06, 2006
OK so Seriously its snows 3 days after I get home what the heck!! BUT Florida was awesome (for those of u who didnt hear I got to visit my grandparents down in FL for a week!) I spent alot of time relaxing and laying out by the pool. Here is a run down of some of my favorite things/moments of the week!
1. Chatting with grandma
3. Magic Kingdom and getting stuck on splash mountain!
4. KOBE japanese steakhouse ....and the drunk lady who sat with us was pretty funny too!
5. Florida Mall....I love that place! (but i love any mall right?!)
6.Random..Unexpected phone calls
7.Dancing to the Johnny cash soundtrack
8.Entertainment/ Sundaes at the pool
9.PapPap getting me and him in trouble with security
10.Bahama Breeze
I will have pics coming soon!
Posted by QueenB at 8:53 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
My "Box" is Overflowing
So the two big questions at church this weekend were "what do you want out of life?" and "what is in your box?" We all know that Jesus is supposed to be in our box. But is he really? I guess my personal answer to this is no. Sometimes I try to cram Him into my box with all my other junk but hehas been the dominant figure lately. I have ALOT of stuff going on in my life. School fulltime, Working almost fulltime, getting the girls small group back on track, and trying maintain all my realtionship between friends and family. After that I try to cram God into the box. God's pretty big and it seems to me that all that other stuff gets in the way. Knowing that God cant fit in with all my other stuff I guess the big question is ... What do I do? ....How do I put God in my box? I think for me it starts with a big thing called Time Management....sometimes I waste time and am not organized. Im also a big sucker to "hang out" when I have other stuff to do. These question were definately a big wake up call....I need to get my priorities in order.
Also two other questions that are very good to chew on are:
Whose yoke are you wearing?
Where do I need Jesus to teach me how to live?
Posted by QueenB at 11:58 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
I am a little wired right now Im not going to lie..So what I write could be completely random! I got out of work last night at exactly 2 am! Then I went home to study unitl like 3:30 or so...then back up at 7:30 to study and get ready for school. As I was driving I decided it would be a fabulous time to get a Starbucks (peppermint mocha rawks!)...and needless to say now I am bouncing off the walls. Ne ways I thought I would give you all a few highlights from my long, crazy, and random night.
- I arrive at work it was completely I wandered about the store aimlessly looking for a project
- Bobby arrives and gives me and Dani his list of chuck norris "Chuck Norris sleeps with a night light. Not because Chuck Norris is afraid of the dark, but the dark is afraid of Chuck Norris" and "When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Chuck Norris." (I suggest you go they are kinda funny)
- Me and Jamie go around the entire store putting scan bars on everything to prepare for inventory (seriously took like 5 hrs to do!!!)
- Stephen and Sarah visit me ...Stephen model clothes...Secretly I think he really digs Buckle clothes and just doesnt know it yet!
- Then I finish stickering
- Count down drawers and drink way took much caffiene for my own good
- As inventory is starting Bobby's mom brought us all freshly made chocolate chips cookie which were very yummy.
- Adam Demeter Arrives ....Him + Bobby= craziness
- By 12 am we were all so hopped on sugar and caffieene that we were quoting random movie lines(Jamie does the best Wedding Crasher imatation makes me giggle eveytime!) and listening to Bobby and Adam make fun of each other
- I think my favorite line of the night was when Bobby shouts "Hey Demeter are you spending the night at my house my Mom wants to know!?" and there was just dead silence until everyone just started busting out laughing
Ok Im done ...I hope everyone has a fabulous day!
Posted by QueenB at 8:45 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Ok so I am doing soooo much better! I am actually really happy and excited. Whoopee! Friday night I got to hang out with my girls ..We had a blast watching "Wedding Crashers" (if u havent seen it I suggest you do). Then Sunday I had Starbucks with my friend Steph ( And Steph if you are reading this Im soo excited we are friends you are one amazing girl!), then I went to Amber's baby shower with Jeanna andTara(ok the baby shower totally afirmed my desire not to have children..although it was fun to pick out little clothes!), then I went to neveah and we talked about the 20 most annoying things about Christians. After neveah was over I stayed pretty late talking to Stephen and Todd just about life and all kinds of random things! Then Yesterday I took a couple first steps back in the RIGHT direction. I listened to the sermon from Sunday on my way to school, then when I got home I read the first like 6 Chapters of Gensis and then I spent sometime just talking to God! Ne ways Im really excited I can feel God moving and changing my heart already!Alright well I have to go study before I head to work (inventory yay!). Have a great day.
Posted by QueenB at 9:09 AM 2 comments
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Savin Me
"Savin' Me"
Prison gates won't open up for me
On these hands and knees I'm crawlin'
Oh, I reach for you
Well I'm terrified of these four walls
These iron bars can't hold my soul in
All I need is you
Come please I'm callin'
And oh I scream for you
Hurry I'm fallin'
[CHORUS]Show me what it's like
To be the last one standing
And teach me wrong from right
And I'll show you what I can be
Say it for me
Say it to me
And I'll leave this life behind me
Say it if it's worth saving me
Heaven's gates won't open up for me
With these broken wings I'm fallin'
And all I see is you
These city walls ain't got no love for me
I'm on the ledge of the eighteenth story
And oh I scream for you
Come please I'm callin'
And all I need from you
Hurry I'm fallin'
Hurry I'm fallin'
I am totally resonating with this song right now. It all started yesterday(ok well maybe not yesterday prolly started quite some time ago but read on you will understand)... I got through my first two classes and I was just so frusterated because I this is a hard semester. Sometimes Im not sure if I am supposed to be even getting a degree in business. So I was on my break between classes (feeling really fusterated and confused) and my friend Cheryl was like hey Lindz come to campus crusade for christ today we are doing a Bible study ...So I agreed and I went. Some of you know that I have big frustrations with this group and have a hard time going at times. So the Bible study started and we went through Acts and they talked about the Holy Spirit and how he nudges you and helps you minister to nonbelievers. Ok so as I am sitting there I am thinking...What the hell why do they talk in Christianese it pissses me off because no one in the group is frustrated or shows real emotion they are like little Christain Robots, then I was like Lindsey why are you saying this, your a bad person talking about Christians like that. Then the through ran through my head maybe I am jealous becuase Im not at their level.....So I left there even more confused than when I came because I didnt know why I was so frustrated and mad at this group. So I tried to read my Finance book for a while but just was having a hard time concentrating. Then I went to my last class. I had no idea what the teacher was talking about I was so lost, mad , and frustrated that I was seriously about to explode becuase my mind was racing so fast. I left the class got in my car and headed home. On my way home I was trying to listen to some music to just calm my nerves. But it was no help so I just turned the radio off and started to cry and scream at God. I was so mad at Him because I was lost and I felt that I had no purpose or direction. Everything has been falling apart and I just have no clue what I am doing. It felt good to just get it all out there on the table. So I went home still feeling really pissed off and started to try and get some of my homework done. I read for awhile (my book was making a little more sense at that time) and then I fell asleep pretty early. So I woke up this morning did my morning routine and then got in my car and turned on my Nickelback Cd and listened to this song. Now your asking what does this have to do with me?Well for me this song kinda represents someone who is a little lost and feels trapped...Someone who is crying out to God to show them the way.. I really didnt know how lost I was until yesterday I think I knew my feet were not quite in the right direction but didnt want to admit it. I can be a really good actor sometimes I think I even fool myself into believing that I am walking with God. I just want to tell you that I think I got off track a while ago. I havent had a real converstaiton with God in a long while. I pray for all of you cause I hate people who say they are praying for someone and dont really do it ..i think thats wrong...But I havent sat down and dealt with my own life in awhile. Last night I got real with God and just threw up my hands and said I cant do this anymore. And I think if God talk he would have said "well duh yea you cant do it...I can ...If you would talk to me and let me in maybe I could guide you" So this is where I am at today ...I talked to God on the way to school and just gave everything back to Him and made a promise that I would talk to him and turn around in the right direction. So I wanted to share this with you all so you can hold me accountable and know where I am at. Pray for me. I am not frustrated or pissed off anymore I have a divine peace that I am walking in the right direction with God and things will get better for me.
Posted by QueenB at 8:37 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Hi my name is Lindsey and Im a Workaholic
Ok so my friend Saulo and I goof around at work all the time. He jokes with me and I joke with him. Lots of fun. Well this Sunday we got on the subject of dating. One of my high school girls has been through some rough stuff with her BF of two years. So the three of us were chatting about it and some of our past relationships. We got on the subject of my past relationships and Saulo says in a joking matter well maybe if you didnt live at the Buckle you could maintain a realtionship. He was just like Linds you work and go to school and you dont do hardly ne thing else...he was like guys think you are losing interest if you dont make a little time for them. (Whether I belive that statement or not Im not sure) So this comment just made me think.....Am I really shutting people out of my life because I too busy? I havent come to a conclusion but it seems that lately I cant go to church or hang out with friends becuase im working or doing homework. Maybe thats a problem...maybe its not?
Posted by QueenB at 8:52 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
My Earth Angel
I know I know the title of my post is a little strange (lol its actually a song ....I didnt get creative or ne thing). So it all started last night. I got home from work...had my daily phone chat with Jeanna.....then my father tells me that we (meaning me, dad, and carolyn) have to have a "chat". Why you ask? Well because she has once again eves dropped on my convo with someone. There are times when I will let out my frustration about my family situation with Jeanna or my grandparents over the phone or whatever. Ne ways apperantly dad sees this as me "running my mouth" or having a "tude". Ok well if u dont want me to vent to people then dont talk bad about my family, make fun of me, my friends, or my way of life...simple! Ne ways...I fell asleep before the convo could we have to talk tonight (please pray for me!!!!). This morning I woke up a little sick and frustrated over everything so I called my grandpa. I call my grandpa quite often and we chat on a regular basis..He always calms my nerves a bit and has good advice. (plus he simpathizes a bit which helps!) This morning I vented a little bit ...we discussed the situation. And he always will end the converstaion by reminding me that the only way he got through things is by praying and believing in God. Only this time he told me a little story about on of his construction workers that came into his office everyday. He came into grandpa's office and threw down his hat and said "You know what Walt?!" Grandpa answered "I dont know what?" The guy said" You know what I think. I think God is in the birds and in the trees and I think he's just everywhere." After telling me this Grandpa was like "Lindsey I think this is true....God is everywhere." He told me how he sees God everyday when he sees birds fly. This amazes grandpa. After chatting about this a while We ended our conversation and I just sensed God's presence. My grandpa has always been an example to me....He really treats people like Jesus did. I mean he has his stuggles but there are so many times when I cry because I dont come from a very "Christian home". Today for the first time it was very real to me that God placed grandpa there as an example and to help guide me on my journey with God. If no one else supports me and loves me .....I can count on God and Grandpa. Thats why I titled this my earth angel. I think God sent Grandpa as my angel on this earth to look out for me and guide me. Like I said I knew grandpa was an amazing Godly man before but today it was just so real. On a side note to my friends:
Thank you guys soooo much for always being there when I need someone to talk to. For praying for me when I need prayer. We are sooo different but I have never felt love like this in friendships before. This is a time in my life when I have been on a rollercoaster with everything and yet yall stick by me and love on me. I told Grandpa in my conversation with him that even though I dont get much support at home I have a group of friends from church that love me, pray for me, and support me in what I do. So I just want you all to know how much it means to me that you all are in my life! I love u soo much!!!!
Ok Im not sure if it makes much sense but I got it all out there.
Posted by QueenB at 8:52 AM 2 comments
Monday, January 09, 2006
Back to school
Ohhh boy....Im back at school! woot woot ! Im half excited and half dreading it. I have only had one class tho so....but I made it through which is a good thing. Im really pumped up cause I go to class and Tracy Decker is in my class and two guys that I suffered through commercial law with! So we have decided that we will form a study group. It always nice to know that u have support...especially since I dont think my teacher speaks veru good english. (This is a pet peeve of mine...while I think it is cool to meet people from other places..I think it is very difficult to learn a hard subject like finance management in broken english) Ne ways So Im off to marketing management now (i have a feeling this might be my fav class). After that I head to work...then go back to Iusb for one more class....Then I go to barnes and noble for tutoring ! This should be a interesting day. I hope everyone out there is having a good one!
Posted by QueenB at 9:35 AM 1 comments
Monday, January 02, 2006
New Years
OK I just have to say New Years Eve was a Blast!!! I got to hang out with some awesome people. We danced a little bit, talked,brought in the New Year by watching the ball drop together, played cards until 5:30 in the morning, and then went to church(Haha Me and Laura went in our PJ'S!). I just have to say that it was one of the best new years I have ever had! I had my best friends to bring in the New Year with it was great!
Posted by QueenB at 8:57 PM 1 comments